Find The Difference: Automotive Evolution & 3 puzzle games

Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Find The Difference: Auto Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Its a story as old as time. Whether a chariot, a canoe, a horse and buggy, a Model T, a muscle car, or a Range Rover, there comes a time when every teen wants a vehicle and the promise of freedom and adventure that this offers. Find The Difference Automotive Evolution for takes players through the history of modes of transportation. Marvel at some of the antiquities of yesteryear as well as some of the coolest modern automobiles. Of course, dont get too distracted by these iron beasts! There are hidden objects everywhere and you must find them in order to progress and gain access to mini games scattered throughout the dozens of levels. Popular mini games pop up throughout Find The Difference Automotive Evolution, including 4096, true or false, and Jigsaw puzzles.