Use Flam­bu to gen­er­ate in­come from your items and save money by renting.

Flambu Screenshot
Flambu Screenshot
Flambu Screenshot
Flambu Screenshot
Flambu Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Share what you have and Rent what you need!
Use Flam­bu to gen­er­ate ex­tra in­come from your un­used items and save mon­ey by renting in­stead of buy­ing.

Flam­bu is a so­cial item shar­ing plat­form to op­ti­mize our way of liv­ing.

For renters:

- Browse list­ed nearby items for rent and/or for sale
- Send a di­rect re­quest to rent an item by choos­ing your de­sired dates
- Send a re­quest to buy an item which is for sale
- Start a chat with the own­er of the item to ask any ques­tions
- If you couldn't find what you were look­ing for we got you cov­ered! Eas­i­ly open a pub­lic re­quest for the item you are look­ing for and the Flam­bers around you will hope­ful­ly help you!

For owners:

- List your items for rent and/or for sale, and set your de­sired prices
- Re­ceive di­rect re­quests from oth­er users that are in­ter­est­ed to rent or to buy your items
- Man­age your in­com­ing re­quests and track who has your lent items where and when
- Get paid directly and securely. Let your unused items work for you.