Note: This not the official Verge app
Verge is a cryptocurrency designed for people and for everyday use. It improves upon the original blockchain and aims to fulfill its initial purpose of providing individuals and businesses with a fast, efficient and decentralized way of making direct transactions while maintaining your privacy.
Our mission is to empower people around the world by bringing blockchain transactions into everyday life. Verge Currency makes it possible to engage in direct transactions quickly, efficiently and privately. With Verge Currency, businesses and individuals have flexible options for sending and receiving payments. With the flip of a switch, we offer helpful integrations and tools that enable them to handle large scale transactions between merchants and small scale private payments.
Verge currency makes it possible to engage in direct transactions. Verge is not a private company funded by pre-mined coins or ICO's.
Free Verge Faucet is a free app that allows users to earn free verge instantly without any hassle.
Remember when you were duped when you tried to trade money for verge? Well that time is over! Just install this application and earn free verge quickly without any stress!!
All you need is;
*Verge wallet address
*Username (any)
*Valid email address to receive updates on future improvements
*Stable internet connection (Preferably 3G/4G/5G)
Always ensure not to use any third party software to cheat the system or else when caught, will have the account suspended!!!