GAR Atlas (GfT2017) is a fully interactive free Earth science application

GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
GfT (GAR for Tangible Earth) 2017 is a fully interactive free application on disaster risk reduction provided by UNISDR. Disaster data and statistics from throughout the scientific community is brought together in an easy-to-compare or "mash-up" format by the interface and scenario-building innovations from the Tangible Earth platform developed by ELP (Earth Literacy Program).

Main Features

* Major disasters
Review the historical records of significant disasters (Cyclones, Floods, Earthquake, etc) around the world.

* Risk Atlas
Grasp the global landscape of disaster risks, visualised on an intuitive and dynamic 3D globe. Risks are quantitatively comparable beyond regions and type of hazards.

* Case studies
Study all risk driver & good practice stories from the GAR (Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction) by genre (climate change, economic vulnerability, governance capacity, etc).

* Earth diary
Read the latest news from the Prevention Web, published for the disaster reduction community.

* Country profile
Explore the detailed risk profile of countries, including estimated future economic losses and evaluations on social, economic and environmental drivers of risk.

* AR (Augmented Reality)
Activate the camera icon on the application and point your tablet at any of the maps in the printed version of GAR Atlas to “pop-out” further insights.

GfT is fun, educational, and empowering.

Note: We recommend that you use GfT with Android OS4.4 or higher with a dual core CPU or more.