Gorefield FNF Cthulhu Scary Test
As indicated by Jloor the Mod was not transferred yesterday since Gorefield could do without Mondays and all he needs to do is eat Lasagna. Gorefield is an old animation feline. Gorefield is a vicious and psychopathic form of Jim Davis' personality; Gorefield . He is additionally the fundamental enemy of the Gorefield Horrorscopes series. This is the sort of thing you should play on creepy month, presently on walk though! This is excessively unpleasant. We'll play VS Gorefield All Songs on exceptionally hard. Sweetheart/GF is mysteriously gone so its depends on Boyfriend to stop Gorefield himself!
Game Note by Jloor: In this mod, everything is all nice and beautiful until what is bound to happen!
You are BF, and your great ally is Jon. you must work together to try and get rid of the beast and escape! Or do you decide to continue until the end...?
Since this mode is so scary, I made it into a FNF Character Test
FNF' Vs Gorefield [FULL WEEK] Mod Download: