book, closer, great, grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful

Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Growing Up Spiritually Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
This book Growing Up Spiritually is lovely. I've just read a portion of it and frankly, I know that by the time I complete it, I'll be positively transformed
Waoh! this is a very good book and it is really what d name is. It has helped me built the r/ship I have always longed for with God. The Body of Christ is in need of members who are spiritually mature .. book, closer, great, grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, Hagin compares stages of spiritual growth to those of physical growth. It will help you locate where you are spiritually and then show you how to grow into the next stage of spiritual development... book, closer, great, grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, All of us begin as spiritual babes in Christ when we are born again. But God doesn't intend for us to stay that way. God desires for us to grow into Christian maturity. In his book Growing Up, Spiritually, Kenneth E. Hagin .. book, closer, great, grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, compares the stages of spiritual growth to those of physical growth. Amazing Book! Helpful for spiritual growth, and I love it. book closer great grow love powerful spiritual thanks very wonderful ???? I give it a five star. thanks to late Daddy Keneth Hagin To experience growth spiritually is prime, but just wanting to grow would not translate to reality.

''As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby'' (1 Peter 2:2).
God starts us in the spiritual, just like we get started in the natural. When babies are born they start off on milk. They certainly could not eat meat. And God's Word says that this sincere milk of the Word will aid our growth.

It is the first principle of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. When you still have to be taught the first principle, you are still on the milk (See Hebrew 5:13-14, 6:1-2).

''... the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man ...'' (Ephesian 4:13).
Receiving the knowledge, feeding upon God's Word will get us out beyond milk and cause us to become full grown.

The Author categorized spiritual growth into 3 stages:
1) Babyhood
2) Childhood
3) Manhood or Adulthood
Characteristics of Babyhood
a) Innocence
Even though INNOCENCE falls into this stage, it is one feature we should never outgrow. The reason is that if we don't maintain this state, we will fall under the condemnation of the devil and suffer defeat spiritually.
b) Irritability
Babies are easily spoiled. And when they become spoiled they become irritable.
Babies are easily frustrated, distracted, hurt. Abba Father wants to bring us to the place where we are not so easily frustrated, distracted, hurt.
Characteristics of Childhood
a) Unsteadiness
Spiritual children are unsteady, spasmodic.
b) Talkativeness
Children have never learned the value of silence. Folks who are talking all the time are usually guilty of these shortcomings:
1] Evil Speaking
Talking about and discussing the faults and failures of people not present.
2] Vain Speaking
Always talking about themselves: What I have done; What I'm going to do; Where I have been.
Characteristics of Manhood
a) Esteeming earthly things lightly
b) Deadness to Censure
Baby Christians are self-conscious. And ever-conscious of what others are thinking about them. Therefore, they are easily ''tossed to and fro'' childishly trying to be popular.
The mature believer is God-conscious. And ever-conscious of what God's Word says about him and to him.
c) Ability to Recognise God at work
When you can see God at work in things, you can rejoice in whatever is going on.
Besides the above, you will find other captivating topics dealt with extensively by the author such as The Natural Man, Carnal Man, Spiritual Man and also the amazing transformation that took effect in his own life after he prayed Ephesians