A clicker for clicker training a dog, cat or horse. Includes a whistle.

HandyClicker Screenshot
HandyClicker Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Clicker for clicker training and a tone generator for a dog whistle. This application can act as your clicker for clicker training. It can also generate a whistle tone at any frequency from 1000 Hz to 22050 Hz correctly.

All proceeds go to Rusty (the dog).

A clicker is not something you just buy and expect to work immediately. The clicker requires an actual training regiment that associates it with a positive rewards.
Clickers have a large range in price, consider this a very cheap alternative. Clicker training only requires that your clicker is convienent for you to carry and is consistent in sound.
Consider purchasing this as your clicker for clicker training. You always have your mobile device with you, it will always produce consistent sound and it won't break.
For some information on clicker training see:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clicker_training>Clicker Training</a><br><br><a href=http://www.video.clickertraining.com/free-01>Clicker Introduction Video</a><br><br><a href=http://www.video.clickertraining.com/library>Clicker video library</a><br><br><br>DOG WHISTLE<br>=====<br>The dog whistle is essentially just a tone generator. It is generating a sine wave at a frequency customisable by the user. Humans can hear tones with frequencies between 12Hz to 20000Hz. Dogs can hear approximately 40Hz to 60000Hz. The level of hearing for an individual varies greatly and varies even further with age. As we grow old our ability to pick up tones begins to decline. This applies to dogs as well in terms of both age and breed. This application allows you to generate tones between 1000 Hz and 26000 Hz. Anything above 18000Hz is going to be hard to hear by most humans, children might be annoyed. Anything above 20000Hz will suffice as a method to beckon your dogs attention and no one else. The speaker on the Android phone can correctly generate tones up to ~22050Hz in frequency (about half the sample rate of 44100hz). This is due to the Nyquist Frequency and signal folding. However the application allows frequencies up to 24000hz for phones that can properly use the sample rate of 48000Hz.