Powerful Healing Prayers

Healing Prayer for an Illness Screenshot
Healing Prayer for an Illness Screenshot
Healing Prayer for an Illness Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Lord Jesus, I believe that you are alive and risen. I believe you always speak to me by the Word; I believe that you are really present in the sacrament of the altar to feed me; I believe you answer the prayers of all who seek you from the heart. I praise and adore you. I give you thanks, Lord, for having come for my love, as living Bread descended from heaven. You are the fullness of life, in you no one is forgotten, from you comes forgiveness, peace and health. Visit me with your help, and renew me with your power. Have compassion on me and bless me in all my needs. Heal me, Lord Jesus. Heal me in my spirit, giving me victory over sin. Heal me in my emotions, closing the wounds of my hurts, frustrations, grudges or hatred... Heals me in my body, giving me back my physical health. Today, Lord, I present to you my illness (name of illness) with complete confidence and I ask you to heal me completely, as you healed the sick who came to you when you were here on earth. I believe as the Word promises: He carried our sins in his body on the tree, so that, dead to our sins, we might live for righteousness. Finally, by his wounds we were healed (1 Peter 2:24). I am sure of your love for me, and even before seeing the results of my prayer, I say to you with faith: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the blessing that you are already pouring out on my behalf.