looking for an AIDS test?
HIV, or HIV, is a type of virus that can cause a disease known as AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV infection reaches the immune system, that is to say the body's natural defensesagainst disease. If left untreated, severe illness may occur. Normally harmless infections, like flu or bronchitis can worsen and become very difficult to treat or even result in death. In addition,cancer risk also increased.
Rapid screening tests for HIV Diagnostic Orientation (TROD), more commonly known as rapid tests for HIV. AIDS is one of them: our members are trained in technical gestures and accompaniment.
An HIV test after a risky situation or during a new relationship allows to be clear and safe. The regional branches of Swiss Aid against AIDS, family physicians, hospitals and regional centers offertests.
Most infections with HIV / AIDS have been or are being acquired during unprotected sex. Sexual transmission occurs through contact between sexual secretions (or blood contaminated by the virus) andgenital mucosa, rectal or oral. The likelihood of transmission varies between 0.005% and 0.5% per sexual act with a person infected with the type of sex. The best protection against HIV transmissionin this fashion is the condom. Following the synthesis of several studies it has been shown that the use of condoms during each report and correctly lowers the risk of infection by 85%.Warning: the results displayed on this application are not true, it's just for fun.