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How To Make A Paper Bag Puppet Animal Screenshot
How To Make A Paper Bag Puppet Animal Screenshot
How To Make A Paper Bag Puppet Animal Screenshot
How To Make A Paper Bag Puppet Animal Screenshot
How To Make A Paper Bag Puppet Animal Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Arrgggh, swab the deck matey, and raise the grapple! It's an ideal opportunity to influence this adorable paper to pack privateer manikin and make your own special manikin appear. Make this ornery little mariner and make a couple of more sailors (or even a parrot) to round out the team! Supplies • Felt: dim dark colored, dark, white, peach, goldenrod, light blue • Bandana • Paper lunch pack • Acrylic paint: white, red, substance • Paintbrush • Scissors • White art stick • Pattern Headings 1. Lay lunch pack on work surface, base fold looking up. 2. Paint the base fold with substance shaded paint. 3. Paint whatever remains of the sack white. 4. At the point when white paint has dried, paint red stripes over the front and back of the sack. 5. Utilize example to remove felt pieces while your paint dries. You will require dark for the eye fix and the student. You will likewise need to cut a thin piece of dark felt for the band on the eye fix, around 8" long. Utilize dark colored felt for the mustache, facial hair and pig tail, goldenrod for (2) the studs, white for the eye and peach for the nose. You will likewise need to cut a little pig tail holder (see braid design) out of light blue felt. 6. Paste pig tail to the back of the sack first. Position the highest point of the hair around an inch underneath the highest point of the sack. Paste braid holder on to pig tail. 7. Turn sack over so the base fold is looking up. Lift the fold tenderly and stick the facial hair simply under he fold. 8. Paste mustache on next, cover the base of the mustache over the base of the fold. 9. You should remove ¼ of the handkerchief. To do this, crease the handkerchief down the middle, and after that overlap into equal parts once more. You ought to have a square (4 squares collapsed together). Cut out one of the squares, put aside the rest of the ¾ of the handkerchief for another undertaking. 10. Place the handkerchief square level before you. The completed corner ought to point descending. Crease the contrary corner (incomplete, cut corner) down to the completed corner, making a triangle. 11. Hold the handkerchief set up with your fingers and turn the pack and handkerchief over. Take the two last details of the triangle and tie them together, making a do-cloth. Paste do-cloth set up, front and back. 12. Flip the sack over so the privateer is look up. Paste the eye, student and eyebrow over the mustache; stick the eye fix on the opposite side. 13. Paste the long thin dark strip from one corner of the fix, around the head and back of the sack, to the next corner. 14. Paste the studs simply inside the base fold of the sack (confront), one on each side. for additional data and detail instructional exercise, download this application now and you will have what you need. it would be ideal if you appreciate this instructional exercise and give us any input.