Fashionable knitting with crochet tutorials

How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
How to make crochet Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Learn to weave with the tutorials we offer you, make the points from the simplest to the most complex, learn step by step to make the best knit fabric, whether hand woven for babies, knitting jerseys to hook in different colors, knitting fabrics with different stitches, hand-woven bedspreads that can be combined with patchwork, hand knitting fabrics for girls, hats, handbags, baby booties, carpets, collars, flowers and many other ideas, you will also find a great variety of knitting patterns . Learn from home with the free tutorial videos that we have selected for you.
Learn how to make crochet and its different points, such as:
- Basic points: All points on the needle are formed by intersecting points whose base is the chain, on this, the chosen points will be made, in the menu are the basic crochet or crochet points and their corresponding explanations.
We hope you learn them because with them you will be able to weave many garments based on these points until they learn to use more advanced points.
- Fantasy point: It is called fantasy point to the combination of two, or more of the basic points, in this way, can be created according to our imagination, many other points that will be called fantasy point.
- Chain stitch: Make a ring with the thread or wool, insert the needle and hold.
- Flat stitch, dwarf point or running point: Insert the needle in the 1st stitch to work (for the 1st stitch on a chain base, insert it in the 3rd needle chain), take the thread and pass it at the same time also through the point that is on the needle.
- Low Point or Medium Point: Insert the needle, on the front part, at the point to work to the left of the needle (for the 1st point on a base of chains the needle is inserted in the 3rd string of the needle).
- High mid point or midpoint vareta: Take the thread with the needle making 1 loop. Insert the needle into a base chain and hook the strand into a chain. With 1 loop close the 3 chains of the needle. Repeat the previous motives in all the necessary points. At the beginning of a new row the 1st medium high point will be replaced by 3 chain points.
- These are some of the points that you will find in the tutorial videos of these apps, but there are also many others that we will also show you in the new videos to learn how to crochet like: high point or crochet stitch, double crochet or double crochet stitch, triple high point or triple crochet stitch, net stitch, crochet knit picot stitch, crab knit, relief stitch, popcorn or bodoque stitch, cross stitch, three closed high stitches together, net stitch increase, net stitch decrease, stitch tubular bass, medium high tubular point, tubular high point, tubular network dot and round netting point.
Get the best knitting and wool learning crochet from home in a simple and comfortable way.