Hyperparathyroidism is an increased parathyroid hormone levels in the blood.
Primary hyperparathyroidism may be cured by removing the adenoma or overactive parathyroid glands. In those without symptoms, mildly increased blood calcium levels, normal kidneys, and normal bone density monitoring may be all that is required.
The medication cinacalcet may also be used to decrease PTH levels. In those with very high blood calcium levels treatment may include large amounts of intravenous normal saline. Low vitamin D levels should be corrected.
Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common form. In the developed world between one and four per thousand people are affected. It occurs three times more often in women than men and is typically diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 60.
Hyperparathyroidism is an increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in the blood. This occurs either from the parathyroid glands inappropriately making too much PTH (primary hyperparathyroidism) or other events triggering increased production by the parathyroid glands (secondary hyperparathyroidism).
Most people with primary disease have no symptoms at the time of diagnosis. In those with symptoms the most common is kidney stones with other potential symptoms including weakness, depression, bone pains, confusion, and increased urination. Both types increase the risk of weak bones.
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