ICD-11 MMS from WHO
Key features of the ICD-11 application:
- Browse sections and codes of ICD-11: Users can easily browse all sections and codes of ICD-11 in the application.
- Search by code, title, and description: Users can quickly and easily find the information they need by searching by code, title, or description.
- Description and exclusions: Each code in ICD-11 has a description and a list of exclusions to help users better understand the information they are looking for.
- Add to favorites: Users can add sections and codes of ICD-11 to their favorites to quickly access them in the future.
- Updates: The ICD-11 application is regularly updated to reflect the latest changes in the classification of diseases and related health problems.
Ease of use: The application is designed with ease of use in mind, making it accessible to everyone.
- Offline access: The application also offers the ability to view information about ICD-11 codes in offline mode.
- Compactness: The ICD-11 application can be easily installed on mobile devices and allows users to easily access information about the classification of diseases and related health problems at any time and in any place.