Checks for internet connection every five seconds and makes a sound when changes

IDEKdroid Screenshot
IDEKdroid Screenshot
IDEKdroid Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
IDEKdroid is a very dirty quick port of my application IDEKTray: a small program that checks every few seconds if the computer is currently connected to the internet and makes a sound every time the internet goes down, or back up.

The PC version also keeps a log file where everything is noted down, program settings, dates and times when the system couldn’t connect to the internet, etc.
Here's a download of the PC version (IDEKTray v1.3c); some day I'll set up a proper website with links and descriptions and all the fancy stuff, but for now, these zips will do:
Choose between the lite version (Lightweight but fully functional) and the Plus version (Same as lite but also includes a fancy configuration utility):

[Lite version] (v1.3c) 616 KB!V5IkiSiT!oWHj01zzQwTCnBQawYjs9v4JqLYMsSCS6UvKSc5gtXA

[Plus version] (v1.3c) 1.87 MB!A5hS3TIC!ywIQN5UTpGsXOTpBbUqjUSAkC9S-HxtdMR-dG1SihZM

This mobile version doesn't write down a log file, but it plays the same sounds and animations the desktop version does; along with some exclusive graphics in high definition.

To access the configurations menu press the MENU button on your phone.
You can also press and hold on the screen to see information about the last response (Size of the data, and HTTP response code). Due to compatibility, this version of the application uses GET commands, instead of pinging; so it *will* behave differently from the desktop version on extreme cases (DNS server partially down, target website down).

!!!WARNING!!!: Make sure you disable data usage while running this program or DATA might be used instead of WI-FI.

For advanced users: IDEKdroid will only detect the device as "connected" if the HTTP response code is 200, and if the size matches the expected size, specified on the settings page. Change use_violins to 1 to use alternate sounds. Change vibrate to 0 to disable vibration altogether. Change max_fails to a bigger number if you want more consecutive fails before assuming there's no internet (Useful for slow connections or unstable servers).

This application is mostly meant as a proof-of-concept and is not intended to be compared or replace the desktop version. Like, at all.