Una medida de la obesidad se determina mediante el índice de masa corporal (IMC), que se calcula dividiendo los kilogramos de peso por el cuadrado de la estatura en metros (IMC = peso [kg]/ estatura[m2])

Mar 27, 2023
Una medida de la obesidad se determina mediante el índice de masa corporal (IMC), que se calcula dividiendo los kilogramos de peso por el cuadrado de la estatura en metros (IMC = peso [kg]/ estatura[m2]).

A measure of obesity is determined by the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the kilograms of weight by the square of the height in meters (BMI = weight [kg] / height [m2]).

El índice de masa corporal (IMC) es una razón matemática que asocia la masa y la talla de un individuo, ideada por el estadístico belga Adolphe Quetelet; por lo que también se conoce como índice deQuetelet.

Hay que destacar que no se pueden aplicar los mismos valores de IMC en niños y adolescentes debido a su constante crecimiento de estatura y desarrollo corporal, por lo que se obtiene un IMC respectoa su edad y sexo.

Por lo que primero deberá contar con la fecha de nacimiento y de medición para obtener la edad calculada y así ser más precisos al categorizar a éste grupo de edad.

Después se Calculará el IMC con la misma fórmula que para el adulto, después de calcularse el IMC para este grupo de edad, el valor del IMC se comparará en tablas de crecimiento del CDC para el IMCpor edad tanto para niños y niñas respectivamente para obtener la categoría del percentil. Dichos percentiles son una medida de disperciòn que se utiliza con más frecuencia para evaluar el tamaño ylos patrones de crecimiento de cada niño en los Estados Unidos, debido a que son menos susceptibles a presentar valores extremos y por lo tanto errores en los rangos de valores. El percentil indicala posición relativa del número del IMC del niño entre niños del mismo sexo y edad. Las tablas de crecimiento muestran las categorías del nivel de peso que se usan con niños y adolescentes (bajopeso, peso saludable, sobrepeso y obeso).

The body mass index (BMI) is a mathematical reason that associates the mass and the size of an individual, devised by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet; So it is also known as Queteletindex.

It should be noted that the same values ​​of BMI can not be applied in children and adolescents due to their constant growth of height and body development, resulting in a BMI with respect to theirage and gender.

So you must first have the date of birth and measurement to obtain the calculated age and thus be more precise when categorizing this age group.

The BMI will then be calculated with the same formula as for the adult, after calculating the BMI for this age group, the BMI value will be compared in CDC growth charts for the BMI by age for bothboys and girls respectively to obtain The percentile category. These percentiles are a measure of scattering that is most often used to assess the size and growth patterns of each child in the UnitedStates, because they are less likely to exhibit extreme values ​​and therefore errors in the ranges of values . The percentile indicates the relative position of the child's BMI number among childrenof the same sex and age. Growth charts show the weight level categories that are used with children and adolescents (underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese). A measure of obesity isdetermined by the body mass index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing weight by kilograms square of height in meters (BMI = weight [kg] / height [m2]).

A measure of obesity is determined to by the body mass index (BMI), Which is Calculated by dividing the weight by the kilograms of square of the height in meters (BMI = weight [kg] / height[m2]).

The body mass index (BMI) is a mathematical reason that associates the mass and size of an individual, devised by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet; so also it is known as Quetelet index.

It should be noted that you can not apply the same values ​​of BMI in children and adolescents because of their steady growth in stature and physical development, so BMI is obtained regarding theirage and sex.

So you must first have the date of birth and measurement for the calculated age and be more accurate to categorize this age group.

After BMI is calculated with the same formula as for adults, after calculated BMI for this age group, the BMI value is compared in growth charts CDC BMI-for age for both boys and girls respectivelyfor percentile category. These percentiles are a measure of dispersal that is used most often to assess the size and growth patterns of each child in the United States, because they are lesssusceptible to present extreme values ​​and therefore errors in the value ranges . The percentile indicates the relative position of the child's BMI number among children of the same sex and age.Growth charts show the level weight categories used with children and adolescents (underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese).

The body mass index (BMI) is a mathematical reason the mass That associates and the size of an Individual, devised by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet; So it is Quetelet index Also knownas.

NOTED That It Should be the same values ​​of BMI can not be applied in children and adolescents due to constant growth of Their height and body development, RESULTING in a BMI With respect to Theirage and gender.

So you must first Have the date of birth and measurement to Obtain the Calculated age and THUS be more Categorizing esta When required age group.

The BMI will Then be Calculated With the same formulation as for the adult, after calculating the BMI For This age group, the BMI value will be Compared in CDC growth charts for the BMI by age forBoth boys and girls respectively to Obtain The percentile category . These percentiles are a measure of scattering That is MOST Often used to ASSESS the size and growth patterns of each child in theUnited States, are less likely Because They exhibit extreme values ​​and to THEREFORE errors in the ranges of values. The relative position percentile Indicates the child's BMI of the children of thenumber Among same sex and age. Growth charts show the weight level categories are used That with children and adolescents (underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese).