This is an educational mathematical thinking video game.
There is a lost ticket to a paradisiac destiny: Walawala.
Be Inspector Pok and find out who stole it!
Inspector Pok is:
+ An educational video game of Mathematics.
+ Suitable for children from 3rd to 6th grade of elementary school (from 9 to 12 years old).
+ Available to play in: Spanish and English.
Pedagogical content:
Playing Inspector Pok will face the player to solve a mystery by using information tables, data and clues with no limit of reaching and specific score or period of time.
Concepts: maps usage, spatial location, time units, analysis and representation data.
Inspector Pok was funded with the support of CONACYT and was developed by Caldera Estudios, Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.
Inoma is a Mexican non-governmental organization that supports education through TAK-TAK-TAK free educational video games. All of them are aligned with the basic education curricula of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico. These video games are also available to play in using the same user and password as in the app.
If you want to know more about the pedagogical content of video games visit our website: LabTak (