Intent Audio Player runs as a background service launched by an intent.

Intent Audio Player : for Android Developers Screenshot
Intent Audio Player : for Android Developers Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Intent Audio Player is a simple audio player that runs as a background service on Android.

You can playback audio files, such as mp3 files, from command line interfaces.

This can be useful as an automated tool for some program tests related to, for example, voice recognition.

This player has to be launched by an explicit intent issued from other activities or an adb shell am start command.

For details about available arguments, please refer to the user's manual on the app.

The following is an example of an am start command to start playing MP3:

adb shell am startservice -n 'pasho.tool.intentaudioplayer/.PlayService' -e uri '/storage/sdcard1/Music/sound.mp3' -e focus 1 -e volume 0.8 -e type 3