Plural Dictionary Application Estimate based Al-'Arabiyyah book Baina Yadaik (ABY)
This dictionary contains approximately 675 ¬kata mufrad its shape yet with the plural form. Popular plural form of each vocabulary mufrad equipped with example sentences with meaning. Examples of such sentences as descriptive of the use of the plural. In addition, the materials of the plural adjusters are also available in the dictionary.
This dictionary includes dictionaries (al-Qur'aan al-lughawi) in terms of themes, bilingual dictionaries (al-Qur'aan al-tsuna'i al-lughah) in terms of number of languages, a special dictionary (al-Qur'aan al-khash) in material terms, whereas in terms of its structure, this dictionary is an alphabetical dictionary (al-Qur'aan al-faba'i).
The main factor of success of learners of foreign languages (Arabic) is the number of vocabulary memorized and understood. For in every language skills, both speaking (kalam), listen (istima '), write (kitabah) and read (qiraah) would require a significant initial capital. For a dictionary that play a huge role in learning Arabic, plus a number of the problems arising from differences between the characteristics of Indonesian and Arabic. Plus according to Alwasilah (2013, 270-272) Arabic has symptoms of language changes that need to refer to the dictionary as a standard pemaknaannya. Symptoms such as: differences in sounds of the letters in the word, the difference in the composition of the letters in the word, the difference in the composition of words in a sentence, the symptoms of synonyms (mutaradif / taraduf), symptoms of polysemy (isytirak), symptoms antonyms (dhidd), symptoms of the contradictions of meaning ( tadhad), symptom interaction of two words (ie two words have different meanings, and then expressed in the form of words which indicate mutsanna morphologically and has become a standard term in Arabic), and symptoms of the word analogy (qiyas or Tasrif). So the dictionary is right and good references on any word or term on the Arabic language every cakupanya.
According to Herman (2014, 272-273) function of the dictionary in the Arab language learning are: (1) an essential guidance that directs students to the use of the meanings of words or terms correctly, (2) guards originality foreign languages learned, (3) supervising the students to be scientific in treating foreign language studied. Thus using a dictionary properly will allow the perpetrators of Arabic language teaching and learning process.