Ultimate karate lessons for android phones

Karate Screenshot
Karate Screenshot
1.0 ( 1 )
Mar 27, 2023
Do you want to learn Karate?Do you dream to be a World Champion Karate Kid?If you are a beginner or advanced you will find very useful information to help you to achieve your dream.This training application will be you Sensei to teach you advanced moves, special tricks and secret karate techniques.Each exercise can be adapted depending of your goals.No need to go to a Karate School, with this application you can transform your home to a training dojo.You will be prepared to fight like a tiger with intensive training for street combatYou will impress your friends with your new combats skill and quick progress.


Getting in the zone :
- Meditaion.
- Warming Up
- Stretching
- Understanding the philosophy behind karate

Mastering Stances, Balance, and Power :
- Geting the basic stances down
- Starting with the ready stance
- Being aware of your balance
- Concentrating on your power and speed

Mastering the Moves :
- Working on your punching
- Kicking practice
- Sparring.
- Practicing all kata
- And hundred mores ...

Get this android application and start the warrior fight
Please enjoy our free application for phone and tablet on the playstore android market