Start making your face funny image by live jelly picture jellify moving photo.
Start playing with the boys liquify jelly app. Take a snapshot of your face. Adjust it in the detection camera as a live photo booth. Then start creating the funny image of your live photo, create the moving photo. Touch and drag the parts of the face you want to see in motion. Stretch your face features with this live jelly picture jellify app. Take a screenshot, save the jellify picture or you can delete the features as your will.
Download crazy live jelly picture jellify app in your mobile and enjoy the funny experience ever.
Perfect playing app for all.
Take a snap of your face, drag it to the position and start making funny facial expressions.
Shake or tilt your device and watch the image come alive.
You can stretch your face features vand make it funny.
Live photo booth app.
You can save, share or can delete the snapshot if you want.
Enjoy the funny face live jellify app now.