Unfollow user who you follow but not follow you back on IG(In*tagram) .
Unfollow plus for IG(In*tagram) has following features:
1, Unfollowers: user who you followed but not followed you.
2, Ghost followers: user who followed you but you not followed.
3, Mutual followers: user who you followed and followed you back.
4, Fans: user who followed you.
5, Block users: user who you can defriend.
6, Unblock users: user who you can cancel defriend.
7, Pending users: user who want to follow you, you can approve or reject.
8, Is private: you can set your account status,. If you set to private, user follow you, must get your approve. and if you set to public, user will follow you without your approve.
Unfollow plus for IG is very easy for you to use. Just install Unfollow plus for IG, and enjoy it!