Baby Monitor (Baby Alarm/Nanny) helps you in watching on your baby.
Briefly the main features:
- work on the 2 (dual) SIM phones
- you can select SIM-card slot for making calls
- function "Call Me Back"
- pause at start and after alarm/call
- Two-way (loud) talkback
- turning on the speakerphone delay
- microphone sensitivity adjustment
- auto silent mode
- No advertising
- Pause after alarm
- Fine-tuning alarm noise level
- Low battery consumption
- Delayed start
- Does not require Internet
- It does not require a second phone to be a smartphone
Tips before you start to use:
- The phone receiving a call from the Baby Monitor can be any phone
- Ensure that the device has enough power (or better yet leave on charge)
- A call is made immediately, without select the SIM dialogue or the method call
- Set the phone at a distance of less than 2m from the child
- It is desirable to test the application multiple times
To start the Mary Baby Monitor/Radio Nanny configure it. To do this, click the Settings button.
Select a phone number from the phone book or enter it with the keyboard. This is the number to which calls will be received from the radio nanny when the surrounding noise exceeds the preset level.
Adjust the noise level to the desired parameter. To be able to quietly leave the baby alarm area after its launch switch on the Pause at startup. Note that this pause will also be applied after each alarm or incoming/outgoing call.
During an active call the speakerphone can be turned on. Just enable this option in the settings. So you can listen to surrounding sounds in the room where the baby sleeps and the ability speak soothing words to a child through the phone.
Do you want to know what is currently happening in the room where the child? Just call on the phone with the Baby monitor app from the number, which is specified in the settings. Radio Nanny will call you back immediately, within a few seconds!
Would you like automatically switch to silent mode when the application starts? Simply activate this option in the settings. Thus, incoming calls to your phone, where works Mary Baby Monitor, will have not vibrate or loud playing of a ringtone. Only silence.
Mary Baby Monitor can call you with any SIM-card (does not work on all devices!). We are constantly adding support for new Dual SIM phones.
We are always open to dialogue! Leave your comments and we will be happy to answer them!
Health to you and your baby!
P.S. Want help to translate an app to your language? Let's start right now, follow this link