Visit pet shop with your pet animal & treat every pet with clinic treatment.

My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
My pet shop salon - Animal Pet doctor clinic Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
ATTENTION GUYS! All in one pet shop salon is open now! Be a personal pet doctor and play with them.
Visit a pet shop with your cute pet animal and treat every pet with different salon services and clinic treatments.

???? Visit the pet shop clinic and treat every pet animal's disease.
???? Pet animals have different teeth problems. Help them removing cavities and make teeth braces
???? Some of the pet animals love to change their hairstyle. Enter the pet hair salon for creative hair cuts and hairstyles.
???? Pet jewelry is broken and needs your help to fix it. Repair chain necklace and see the smile on cute little pet animals.
???? Different pet animals like turtle, lion, puppy, rabbit, panda are very fashionable and. Style them with the cute latest dresses and accessories.

???? Regularly check pet vision and treat their blurry red eyes. Step into the pet clinic and book an appointment for pet eye treatment.

???? Serve all pet animals with the best services and complete every level in a given period of time.