Self birthday wishes for wishing and praying for self on social platforms
It is reassuring feeling of comfort for the birthday celebrant to see many people taking sometime out of their busy day to share good thoughts, heartfelt love and prayers to acknowledge their existence once a year. From our survey on birthday wishes, we gathered that there is a bit more to this customary birthday self wishes. So we felt the need to create a collection of various forms of birthday wishes suitable for all purpose, ages, gender and status.
We sincerely hope that this wonderful Self Birthday Wishes will present your views and good thoughts as a celebrant. That is why we stored them for free use
The App is user friendly. With just a click on “Share With” or “Copy Text To”, the App will automatically generate texts only for direct sharing/sending through SMS, WhatsApp, Gmail, Ymail, Twitter, Facebook, TrueCaller Messaging, etc. We created this App not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something useful and sharing it. We acknowledge composers of these great messages.