Platform information made accessible for travelers with a visual impairment.
In the NS Perronwijzer you will find information about, among other things:
- the next two departing trains from the track concerned;
- the time of departure;
- the final destination;
- the train type such as Intercity or Sprinter;
- all intermediate stations;
- details such as possible delay or "no boarding".
You can also search for a station in the app and view all current departure times.
The app contains information about all stations in the Netherlands, including stations that are not served by NS.
Some information is not yet available in the app, for example “watch out for broadcast message”. We are investigating how we can make all information that we display on the signs above the platforms available in the future, so that the information provided by the NS Platform Indicator is complete.
The NS Platform Indicator was made possible by NS, developed in close collaboration with the Eye Association and tested by both blind and partially sighted people. We have the ambition to offer an accessible journey to all our customers. That is why every year we improve the services for our customers with disabilities together with interest groups. This makes traveling by train a little easier for everyone.
The NS Perronwijzer app Terms and Conditions of Use (see apply to the use of the NS Perronwijzer. By using the app you agree to this.