Octave APK

Runs GNU Octave on your Android device.

Octave Screenshot
Octave Screenshot
Octave Screenshot
Octave Screenshot
Octave Screenshot
3.6.2-5+deb7u1-any-3 ( 28 )
Mar 27, 2023
This is launches Octave for Android. Octave is like Matlab (trademark of Mathworks), but free (as in freedom) software. Not some similar program, but really Octave running natively.

The app is now free (as in $) to use, but a donation is appreciated to keep things going.

You are required to get the Octave Main Package (com.octave.main) to use this.
You are required to get the Octave Gnuplot Package (com.octave.gnuplot) to support plotting.
There are many additional packages (com.octave.*) for use.

This is a different sort of app. Unpacking the executable and other files necessary for Octave to run will take awhile when you install or upgrade this, but will be worth it. Whether this is installed to the sdcard or to internal storage, the executables and libraries will take up around 100MB of internal storage either way.

You can add .m files and a .octaverc startup file in an external storage directory setup for you. Often at /sdcard/GNUOctave/home.

Your latest plots (.png files) can be found in an external storage directory setup for you. Often at /sdcard/GNUOctave/intents.

You will be running in a fake chroot of sorts which includes Octave and many of the programs you expect to find in a standard GNU/Linux (read Debian) install. The fake chroot is split between your external/shared partition (often /sdcard) and your internal (/data/data/com.octave) to save space.

Plot commands and edit commands fire off intents to use whatever image viewer or text editor you have.

See Octave Documentation:

See the FAQ:

File bugs and feature requests here:

See code here for packages here:

This launcher is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

No GPL licensed code is found within this app, but is found in the packages needed to run.