Tool for Last Mile Health Facility to Receive Oxygen Equipment sent by MoHFW,GoI

OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
OxyCare Screenshot
13.0 ( )
Mar 27, 2023
The app provides a hand held tool for the Last Mile Health Facility (PHC/CHC/Civil Hospital etc) to Receive Health Equipment sent by MoHFW,GoI through the State/District National Health Mission officials. The user will be able to scan secure QR to record receipt of the supplied equipment.

The user can Report Daily/Periodic working status, Report Problem (if any), check stock or can track shipped items for the Health Facility. In case any PSA is installed in the HF, the live PSA Dashboard is also available.

The user are whitelisted on the portal by the State/District administrations. Each Health Facility consignee is updated on the portal only then the user will be able to login in the app.

The user is now able to report working status on daily basis for the first 15 days after the installation of the OCs and thereafter, gets option to report working status anytime. The OC working status reported at least once in 15 days is shown in green (reported), 16-30 days orange (Due) and >30 days shown as red (overdue).