MetLife infinity allows you to create, store, & share your legacy in the future.

PNB MetLife Infinity Screenshot
PNB MetLife Infinity Screenshot
PNB MetLife Infinity Screenshot
3.1.4 ( 148 )
Mar 27, 2023
PNB MetLife Infinity allows you create your own digital legacy and share memories with your loved ones.  You can create albums and upload photos, videos, audio files and documents that you wish to share with friends and family right now or at some point in the future.
Choose from three options to schedule delivery of your album:
1. Release Today.  If you choose this option, your album will be released immediately. Please note, you will not be able to recall or change an album once it has been released.
2. Specify a date.  You can schedule an album to be shared with your loved ones at a specific date in the future. You can continue to add other loved ones and change content in the album until it has been released.
3. Account Inactive.  Choose this option if you want to schedule an album for release when your PNB MetLife Infinity account status have been changed to inactive. You need to add one or more chosen loved ones in order to use this option. Once a chosen loved one changes your PNB MetLife Infinity account status to inactive, you will receive an email notifying you. If you don't respond to that email within 15 days, any albums that you scheduled to be released on account inactive will be released to your loved ones.
Once your albums have been sent they cannot be changed or recalled and your loved ones will enjoy your memories forever.
Start using PNB MetLife Infinity today. Users must be 13 and above.