★ Measure the sound with Sound Meter application! ★
★ It uses your built-in microphone to measure environmental noise decibels (dB) and show a value for reference. We had calibrated many android devices with the actual sound level meter with dB.
★ Features of Best Sound Meter:
- indicates decibel by gauge
- display the current noise reference
- display min/avg/max decibel values
- display decibel by graph
- can calibrate the decibel for each devices
- quick reaction on sound level change
★ Levels of noise in decibels (dB) according to American Academy of audiology:
140 dB - gun shots, fireworks
130 dB - jackhammers, ambulance
120 dB - jet planes taking off
110 dB - concerts, car horns
100 dB - snowmobiles
90 dB - power tools
80 dB - alarm clocks
70 dB - traffic, vacuums
60 dB - normal conversation
50 dB - moderate rainfall
40 dB - quiet library
30 dB - whisper
20 dB - leaves rusting
10 dB - breathing
★ IMPORTANT information about Best Sound Meter: This tool is not a professional device to measure decibels. You have to know that the built-in microphones were aligned to human voice (300-3400Hz, 40-60dB). Therefore the maximum values are limited by the hardware limitation, and very loud sound (100+ db) cannot be recognized.
Remember that sound meter app is only for fun and please use it as an auxiliary tool.
★ If you have any comments, feedback or you need help with Best Sound Meter, please send an e-mail to: