Start earning CryptoCurrency from your phone
The fastest mining on the market
It has an OLED friendly mode
Allows you to enter your wallet address from a QR code
Allows you to mine to which ever pool you want to
Can mine any CryptoNight coin, but has built in support for Monero, Electroneum, Aeon, Sumokoin, and Bytecoin.
* Saves your configurations so they do not need to constantly be re-entered
* VERY Stable
Works with the screen off
Clean interface
Shows an estimated progress in the current share
You can un-tick the donation option (though, you could also not ;D )
Shows your current balance for the supported pools you can mine to
If you have any questions or issues email us at
[email protected]
Or shoot us a text at: +1 (515) 357-3472