Welcome to our Pnutsandfruits app.
and nuts for over 50 years.
Pnuts&fruits operates in an innovative manner with new technologies
in manufacturing and development of its products, in order to maintain
the best quality control and kosher standards over the years.
Abiding by those standards, Pnuts&fruits has established many business
venues with different chain stores and hundreds of points of sale.
During the past year, Pnuts&fruits has developed a new line of products usingnatural salt derived from the red sea. This, in addition to the nitrogen used in the packaging, allows the products to be 100% natural without the use of any preservatives.
Our products are healthy, and always fresh.
The product line includes a wide range of nuts, salted seeds and dried fruits.
We're actually so proud of our products that we have packaged them in
a simple white package with a clear window in the middle of it for you to
see the quality of the products for yourself.