Santa das Rosas, you walked the small path of humility and submission

Prayers to Santa Teresa Screenshot
Prayers to Santa Teresa Screenshot
Prayers to Santa Teresa Screenshot
Prayers to Santa Teresa Screenshot
Prayers to Santa Teresa Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
“Santa das Rosas, you walked the small path of humility and submission to the will of God. Teach us, O Holy Master, Doctor of the Church, the path of holiness that is born from listening to the Word of God, from doing simple and unimportant things in the eyes of the world. We ask you to continue to fulfill your promise to rain roses of grace and blessings on the world. We long for roses, many roses from your garden. Share with us the graces you receive from God the Father. Intercede for us with Him. Through your prayers, may the Lord come to the aid of our needs. (Ask now for the desired grace) Watch over, O Flor do Carmelo, for our families: may there be peace, understanding and dialogue in our homes. Watch over our homeland, so that we have righteous rulers, in tune with the desires of the suffering people. Watch over us, so that the missionary spirit permeates all our actions. Santa Terezinha, pray for us. Amen."

* great prayers that will leave you close to God
*option to share with our brothers in God and family
*we can read or on the tiring days of a lot of struggle and work we can listen
*O important and we are close to God