Quantum Healing is about healing any sickness through Ayurveda

Quantum Healing In PDF Screenshot
Quantum Healing In PDF Screenshot
Quantum Healing In PDF Screenshot
1.3 ( 4 )
Mar 27, 2023
Healing is not primarily a physical process but a mental one through Ayurveda, a traditional Indian science of life, which originated more than four thousand years ago. Quantum healing explores the healing of any human sickness through Ayurveda.
The physical basis of science is very solid and, in the eyes of every doctor, extremely convincing. On the other hand, the healing power of the mind is considered dubious but it is actually a science in its own right.
Although many Ayurvedic principIes and techniques had been all but forgotten over the centuries, they could become an important part of the medicine of the future.
The ancient doctors of India were great sages and their cardinal belief was that the body is created out of consciousness. A great yogi or swami would have believed the same thing. Therefore, theirs was a medicine of consciousness and their way of treating any diseases pierced the body’s matter and went deeper, into the core of the mind.

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