Track resected bowel regions in surgery and estimate the remaining bowel.

Residual Bowel App Screenshot
Residual Bowel App Screenshot
Residual Bowel App Screenshot
Residual Bowel App Screenshot
Residual Bowel App Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Residual Bowel App is primarily intended for use by surgeons to track bowel resections and anomalies to provide an estimate of the bowel remaining.

Capture resection data:
• Record the length of each resected piece or anomaly manually or using the live augmented reality environment.

Create a patient report, including:
• Patient data (age, height, weight)
• Resection data
• Calculations of the total resected amounts
• Estimated remaining small bowel and colon

Estimated remaining intestinal length is calculated based on calculations adapted from the study entitled, "Establishing norms for intestinal length in children". Struijs M-C, Diamond I, de Silva N, Wales P. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2009;44:933-938.

The app generates a PDF of the data and calculations, which can be emailed for inclusion in patient records.