Sajalo a home-based 100% herbal combination used for all kinds of BURNS

Sajalo - Burn Cure Screenshot
Sajalo - Burn Cure Screenshot
Sajalo - Burn Cure Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Sajalo Marham is a home-based 100% herbal combination used for all kinds of burns and skin injuries. This ointment has been used successfully since 1920. Provision of the marham/ointment and treatment to the burn patients was free of cost till 2000. From 2000 to 2009 this process was stopped because its production was time consuming and financially unaffordable.

In 2009, because of the ointment’s miraculous affects on burned areas and the demand of the public for it, efforts were made to commercialize it.

Asar Trust is an independent, non-government, non-profit and a non-sectarian association. Asar Trust treats burn patients with a home-based 100% herbal combination (Sajalo Marham) used for all kinds of burns.

Sajalo marham has been used successfully by the manufacturer’s family for the last 80 years and provision of the marham/ointment and treatment to the burn patients was free of cost. But in the last ten years this process was stopped because its production was time consuming and financially unaffordable. In 2009, because of the ointment’s miraculous affects on burned areas and the demand of the public for it, efforts were made to commercialize it.

Both the ointment and its treatment are expensive and make it unaffordable for the general masses. As a solution to this problem, Asar Trust has been established that will generate funds from different sources which would be utilized to set up a burn center, giving affordable treatment and services to burn patients.