Scientific calculator for girls, the only scientific calculator for girls
What you need to know to make good use of scientific calculator?
The scientific calculator is composed of a digital display on top and a box of keys below the display
-to make use of the action of a key inside, just press a time
-to make use of the action that indicates the part of a key, make a prolonged on the key press or press SHIFT before pressing the key-pressing in the display will show the options of cutting COPY or paste
-the MENU can only be opened by the prolonged pressing of the key =
-MR: shows the value that is in memory, while a long press will show a list with the 9 memory values that can be stored, click on one of them and almacenarás the value in display
-MS: saves a value to memory , while a long press will show the option to store the value in one of the possible 9
-M: adds the value display to the stored in memory, whereas a long press the subtraction
-CNST: displays a list of consultation of constants, classified and grouped.-History: shows the historical results-by clicking on SDR changes to RAD and vice versa.
C&C CarrionCastillo