The fastest anagram solver, for word game enthusiasts.
You can also use it as a simple word judge or word checker.
It supports English, French, Italian and Dutch dictionaries (word lists), making itself perfect for both Scrabble enthusiasts and tournament players.
★ Intuitive interface
★ Super-fast anagram solver with WILDCARD support, thanks to its built-in word database and optimized anagram search engine:
(generating 1000 anagrams of 7 letters + 1 wildcard in input takes less than THREE seconds on a Samsung Galaxy S)
★ Displays the definition* of words in both Word Judge and Anagram modes (several dictionary sources are used to maximize results)
★ Anagram generation works even OFFLINE (the algorithm does not rely on any remote service)
★ Word Judge (to check the validity of a word)
* Internet connectivity is needed to get the definitions - Dutch definitions are not supported yet
★ Supported word lists/dictionaries:
- English:
- SOWPODS 2015 (Official tournament word list)
- TWL2014
- Français
- Italiano
- Nederlands
Limitations of the FREE version:
- A maximum of 14 letters (including 2 wildcards) is supported in "Find Anagrams" mode
- Ad-supported (non intrusive banners)
NB: This tool is designed to help your enrich your vocabulary and strategy skills, we do not endorse cheating in online games.