Septic arthritis is the invasion of a joint by an infectious agent.
Diagnosis is generally based on aspirating joint fluid and culturing it. White blood cells of greater than 50,000 mm or lactate greater than 10 mmol/l in the joint fluid also makes the diagnosis likely.
Septic arthritis, also known as joint infection or infectious arthritis, is the invasion of a joint by an infectious agent resulting in joint inflammation. Symptoms typically include redness, heat, and pain in a single joint associated with a decreased ability to move the joint. Onset is usually rapid. Other symptoms may include fever, weakness, and headache. Occasionally, more than one joint may be involved.
Initial treatment typically include antibiotics such as vancomycin, ceftriaxone, or ceftazidime. Surgery may also be done to clean out the joint. Without early treatment long term joint problems may occur. Septic arthritis occurs in about 5 people per 100,000 each year. It occurs more commonly in older people. With treatment about 15% of people die while without 66% die.
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