First free/open source dictionary, includes Aymara, Quechua and Guarani.

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Mar 27, 2023
SimiDic is the first free/open source electronic dictionary for Android mobile devices. This application was created to facilitate communication between people from different cultures and maintain the use of native languages ​​thanks to mobile phones.

It includes several dictionaries of Native American languages, including Aymara, Quechua, Guaraní and Mapudungun:

Félix Layme Pairumani, Diccionario Bilingüe: Aymara - Castellano, 2011.
Saturnino Callo Ticona, Diccionario Aymara – Castellano, Castellano – Aymara "KAMISARAKI", 2009.
Salustiano Ayma, José Barrientos y Gladys Márquez F., ARUSIMIÑEE: castellano, aymara, guaraní, qhichwa, 2004.
Franciscanos Misioneros de los Colegios Propaganda Fide del Peru, Diccionario Poliglota Incaico: keshua del Cuzco, Ayacucho, Junín, Ancash y Aymará, [1905] 1998.
N. Apaza Suca, D. Condori Cruz, M. N. Ramos Rojas, Yatiqirinaka Aru Pirwa, Qullawa Aymara Aru, 2005.

Comité HABLE Guaraní, Ñaneñee-Rɨru Diccionario: Guaraní – Castellano, 1996.
Elio Ortiz y Elías Caurey, Diccionario etimológico y etnográfico de la lengua guaraní hablada en Bolivia (Guaraní-Español), 2011.
Salustiano Ayma, José Barrientos y Gladys Márquez F., ARUSIMIÑEE: castellano, aymara, guaraní, qhichwa, 2004.

Equipo de Educación Mapuche Wixaleyiñ, Vocabulario Mapuche-Castellano,, 2013.

Teófilo Laime Ajacopa, Diccionario Bilingüe, Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha: Quechua – Castellano, Castellano – Quechua, 2007.
Diego González Holguín, Vocabvlario de la Lengva General de todo Perv llamada lengua Qquichua, o del Inca, Lima, Perú, 1608 [1989].
Academia Mayor de La Lengua Quechua, Diccionario: Quechua - Español - Quechua, Qheswa - Español - Qheswa: Simi Taqe, 2005.
Leoncio Gutiérrez Camacho, Leonidas Mantilla Gutiérrez y Shara Huaman Jullunila, Apurimaqpaq Runasimi Taqe, Diccionario de Quechua Apurimeño, 2007.
Salustiano Ayma, José Barrientos y Gladys Márquez F., ARUSIMIÑEE: castellano, aymara, guaraní, qhichwa, 2004.
Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, Quechua Sureño: Diccionario Unificado, 1994.
Franciscanos Misioneros de los Colegios Propaganda Fide del Peru, Diccionario Poliglota Incaico: keshua del Cuzco, Ayacucho, Junín, Ancash y Aymará, [1905] 1998.
Nonato Rufino Chuquimamani Valer, Yachakuqkunapaq Simi Qullqa, Qusqu Qullaw, Chichwa Simipi, 2005.
G. Palomino Rojas y G. R. Quintero Bendezú, Yachakuqkunapa Simi Qullqa, Ayakuchu Chanka, Qichwa Simipi, 2005.
Leonel Alexander Menacho López, Yachakuqkunapa Shimi Qullqa, Anqash Qichwa Shimichaw, 2005.

For researchers, travelers, teachers and the general public, SimiDic is the perfect tool that does not require an internet connection to operate. Download it to your mobile device and take it anywhere with you!

SimiDic is released under GPL 3.0 license, so people can improve it or adapt it for their needs. The dictionaries come with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 3.0 Unported License(

SimiDic is a collaboration of technology and linguistics between KetanoLab ( and the ILLA-A Institute ( You can participate in the project looking for the code in GitHub, where you will also find our tool to import StarDict dictionaries, so that SimiDic can be used with other languages.

* Interactive searches while typing the word
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* Using regular letters to search for characters with diacritical marks such as ñ and ä
* Fast scrolling of the search results
* Search results include the beginning of the definitions for faster reference
* Download the dictionaries online and then use them offline.