Social Advanced Lite offers a completely new way to view your Facebook News Feed

Social Advanced Screenshot
Social Advanced Screenshot
Social Advanced Screenshot
Social Advanced Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Social Advanced Lite offers a completely new way to view your Facebook News Feed.After logging in, Social Advanced will analyze your Facebook News Feed and show you trending topics among your friends as well as a list of the most popular posts made by your Facebook friends!Clicking on any post will take you to Facebook where you can comment or like it. You can filter how far back to search for Facebook posts, up to three days in the past.Instead of just browsing your Facebook News Feed the old fashioned way, scrolling through post after post, this app allows you to see exactly what interests you, and what the most interestingposts are. You can skip right to the most popular posts, since those are usually the most interesting anyway. Or, check out what everybody is talking about with trends! This is the the lite versionof the Social Advanced App. Feel free to try it out. If you like it, consider upgrading to Social Advanced Pro which has no ads and allows you to view the moods that your friends are in!**The ability to view trends in this app is especially unique, because it only shows you trends among your own Facebook friends, instead of the whole world. See Facebook posts that are relevant toyou alone. If a trending word is uninteresting and you would rather not see it, just click the red X to make it disappear forever.**Popular Posts allows you to see the 10 most popular recent posts made. Instantly see what was a hit on your Facebook News Feed, without having to search for it. You'll never miss anotherexciting or hilarious post by one of your friends. You can also instantly judge who is the most popular :) In the options menu you can select how far back to search for popular posts, up to threedays!I am always looking to add new features. If there is an advanced Facebook feature that you want to be able to do, email me at [email protected] request it. Take control of your Facebook with Social Advanced.