Sound/Audio not working? Want more control over audio?

SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
SoundAbout Screenshot
Version ( 234 )
Mar 27, 2023
Please post issues at

Full Feature List at

(Some outputs are enabled for the PRO VERSION only)

Route the media audio to (Built-In speaker, Wired Headphones, Wired Headset (with mic), Earpiece, Aux Digital(HDMI), Bluetooth(A2DP), Bluetooth(mono), Bluetooth(mono)(dynamic), Dock(Analog), Dock(Digital)).

Route the phone call audio to (Built in Earpiece, External speaker, Bluetooth (mono), Wired Headphones, Wired Headset (with mic), Dock (Analog), Dock (Digital)
Phone call audio to Bluetoth A2DP(media) NOT allowed in Android.

Announce Callers Names (Caller ID) when they call (needs contact list)

Turn Notifications and Ringtones on and off depending on the audio output being used.

Send Text-To-Speech audio to various outputs with/without delays:

Wired Headset detection - ALLOW or IGNORE the headphone/headset plug in/out detection.
Wired Headset microphone - DETECT or IGNORE that a headset has a microphone when plugged in.

Send audio to Bluetooth headsets and your car's Bluetooth connection.