Enjoy the most popular card game in Ghana on your Android smart phone.

Spar Screenshot
Spar Screenshot
Spar Screenshot
Spar Screenshot
Spar Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Spar is the most popular card game in Ghana and other West African countries. It is a trick-taking game without trumps, in which the objective is to win the last trick.

The game uses 35 cards from a standard international 52-card pack, the cards of each suit ranking from high to low: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.

5 Cards are randomly distributed to the 4 players and the leader is picked at random. The leader then plays any card. The other players in turn must play a card of the same suit as the leaders card. The player with the highest card of the same suite as the leaders card wins the trick and leads the next round by playing any card.

This continues until five tricks have been played.

Whoever wins the fifth and last trick wins the hand and scores:

3 points if the winning card is a 6.
2 points if the winning card is a 7.
1 point for winning with any other card - 8 or higher.

Points are also scored during game play
1 point for dethroning another player from leading i.e by playing a higher card than that on the table
2 points for leading any in game round i.e having the highest card played in that round