Solve puzzles, mysteries & go on adventures while learning spellings & grammar.
Daily games keep your kid meaningfully engaged. Earn points & use them to get rewards & open new games. Our gamified learning approach works wonders for kids of all ages and children get to keep their goodies and badges for life.
The app is built for parents who want to help their children speak more confidently, learn the nuances of the english language and have better screen time usage. Our technology is built over years of pedagogy and assessment layers that will inform you about your child's progress and increase in proficiency. All while your child loves playing and creating with us.
Want your child to improve their vocabulary? Easy, our games are built to provide context on learning
Need your child's grammar to improve? We've got stories and story based questions that teach your child.
Worried about your child's pronunciation? We've got that covered. Our storytelling & our speed reading games provide insights & measure a child's fluency of speech. All you need to do, is have them practice (play) on our app.
Children, the world over are using our proprietary technology to create superlative stories, and sharing them with their dear ones. Have your child create their first story with us!
It's all your daily communication needs in one place. It increases vocabulary, grammar & oratory skills. And combines learning videos, fun games & real world activities to ensure that kids are creating everyday and parents stay actively involved with their progress. With detailed reports on how they've fared, this is the app that every parent wants and needs.
By using gamification, interactive video & speech technology the app can quantify learning outcomes while keeping the child entertained. It’s Studio platform allows kids to showcase their talents & learnings in a way that other children, relatives & friends can enjoy. Parents can subsequently make an informed decision on paid courses / content that will help bridge learning gaps for their children.
Spark Studio is a Y Combinator backed company founded by IIT - IIM alumni that teaches children non-curricular subjects. Arts, Communication & Music are all areas where parents are looking to add creativity and confidence to their kids and we are using curriculum & technology
to solve for it. All while ensuring that children leave our classes with a smile on their faces.