Haunted Finders Official Spirit Box

Spectre Box Screenshot
Spectre Box Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
The Spectre Box is the Official Haunted Finders Spirit Box App. Used by the Haunted Finders team and created as an affordable app that you can use for genuine paranormal research. To see this app is action please search Haunted Finders on YouTube.

How it works:

The Spectre Box is a sound bank Ghost Box containing over 3000 audio clips which are taken from AM FM CB CW VHF UHF, Morse, various Ghost Box recordings & phonetic audio from single words in many different languages some have even been overlaid & echo'd

Each of the audio clips are no more than one second in length therefore making it very hard to create a full sentence. Because of this any words coming through should be totally unrelated to any question a person may ask. Therefore it should be pretty much impossible to have an intelligent conversation with someone or something. This is what makes this app so interesting. Spirits are supposed to manipulate electrical devices and use that energy to speak and that is how this app works. If a spirit wants to make contact they will use the phonetic and audio sounds to form words in order to form an intelligent conversation.

There really is no way to judge what will be said at the same time a question is asked. The best thing about it is because it uses more phonetic sound clips, we should be able to get foreign language usage & responses from it too.


We fully advise that you always record or video your Ghost Box sessions using this app. 9 times out of 10 you will miss a lot of the intelligent responses in the moment and you will be shocked at some of the things you will hear on playback.

Just be warned this app is not a toy or for the faint hearted, this can be a terrifying experience if you have never touched a Ghost Box before or even attempted spirit communication. So we recommend researching Ghost Box’s & spirit communication before deciding to try one for real.

** Disclaimer **

Use at your own risk. We cannot be held personally responsible for you or any outcome (paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!