Stockfish Chess Engine Compilation free
We do Not develop/create this Engine. We just compiled/adapted it for android
Stockfish Chess Engine works in all GUIs that support Open Exchange Protocol OEX.
Install engine app and run your favorite GUI (Graphical User Interface), chess board.
UnInstall app to remove engine. Updating the app updates the engine.
Being a library this app does not need has a view/layout, need a Chess Board App.
The engine will appear in the engine list of the GUI
We have three GUIs:
It is also a good idea to be able to play matches between SF vs Komodo
architectures: (pie) ;
armv5, armv7, arm64v8, x86, x86_64
Stockfish 8 day: 20161101
Stockfish 9 day: 20180201
Stockfish 10 day: 20181129
Old release:
Stockfish 9 20181120 OEX engine
Current release:
Stockfish 10 20181206 OEX engine
Api min 16 (4.1 Jelly Bean)
for old devices install the other Stockfish nopie app
this engine is on github
more engines
OEX engines
not oex engine