Download mobile guide of Tesinske beskydy!

Těšínské Beskydy / Słąsk Ciesz Screenshot
Těšínské Beskydy / Słąsk Ciesz Screenshot
Těšínské Beskydy / Słąsk Ciesz Screenshot
Těšínské Beskydy / Słąsk Ciesz Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Original region where three countries of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia meet. Traditions, unique folklore, original cuisine, peculiar dialect, interesting countryside, fascinating spots and friendly highlanders, this all could briefly describe the region of the Tesin Beskydy. Rich history of the Beskydy is reminded by well- preserved wooden churches, for example at Hrčava, Guty, Nýdek or Bystřice. The Archeopark in Chotěbuz- Podobora shows an ancient settlement and Mariánské Square in Jablunkov is still guarded by the stone Immaculata.

In summer you can go hiking with a rucksack on your back, walk through the primaeval forest of Mionší and get acquainted with its fauna and flora or you could conquest the Knight path to the mountaintop of Čantoryje and look over the country from the local observation tower. Visit the Tesin Beskydy in winter as there are many winter attractions prepared for you, just like downhill or cross- country skiing, sledging, snowboarding. The ski resorts offer so much that you might feel a bit dizzy for a while and it will take some time until you make your choice.

Mobile guide contains:
- information about euroregion Těšínské Slezsko - Śląsk Cieszyński
- information about sport and culture activities
- points of interest and trips
- news and actualities from the region
- list of information centres and services