Brit Hadasha (Renewed Pact) complete in English Free

The Brit Hadasha in English Free Screenshot
The Brit Hadasha in English Free Screenshot
The Brit Hadasha in English Free Screenshot
The Brit Hadasha in English Free Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Brit Hadasha Refers to the Hebrew versions of the New Testament, that is, to the compendium of religious books, this includes from the Gospel of Matthew to the book of apocalypse.

Etymologically, brit, comes from the Hebrew word pact and, hadasha, renewed or new, it has also been called Brit Hadasha, the Ha being the definite article the, the, or the, in this case making the function of a .

In Hebrew the word translated "New Testament" by the Greek versions is:

"Brit Hadashá" which translates as "Renewed Covenant"

Matthew 26:28 "For this is My blood of the covenant, for many it is shed for the forgiveness of sins"

Mark 14: 24-25: “And he said to them: This is My blood of the covenant, which is shed for many. Verily, I say to you, I will no longer drink the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the Kingdom of Gd. ”

Many are confused and think that Torah is "the covenant" but the truth is that "The Covenant is contained in Torah. It does not mean" covenant ", it means" Instruction "and this word comes from the verb" Yara "which means" to instruct Teaching walked.

That is to say that the Covenant that Yahweh made with his people on Mount Sinai continues to be valid until today, so what is not a new covenant or a new testament if not the same agreed, but renewed.

Hebrews 13:20: “Now, The Gd of peace that raised our Lord Yashua, the great Shepherd of the sheep, from the dead, by virtue of the blood of the everlasting covenant, perfect you in every good work for you to do His Will, doing in us what is pleasing in front of Him through Yeshua; to Him be the glory for ever and ever Amen. ”

The link is the sign of the eternal covenant of Yahweh to his people is "The Spilled Blood of the Lamb."

From the logon the eternal pact was inaugurated, by means of the renewal of the pact that the Lord made with his people in Sinai, because they broke it, He through the blood of the lamb sealed the Eternal Covenant.