Helping guys look and feel amazing byproviding a simplified skin care system.

Tiege Screenshot
Tiege Screenshot
Tiege Screenshot
Tiege Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Tiege Hanley founder, Kelley Thornton, an experienced marketer and brand expert spent years working with some of the top consumer packaged goods companies in the world. One day while strolling through a department store skin care aisle, he realized a few things. First, men don’t know much about skin care. Second, men’s skin care products are complicated and confusing. Third, of the products he experienced and used, most were ridiculously expensive. Bang! Lightning struck and Kelley got to work.

Kelley immediately reached out to his old college roommate, Rob Hoxie, with the idea of creating a high-quality skin care system designed specifically for men. A system that is easy to use and makes men feel and look incredible without breaking the bank! Rob, an experienced software industry veteran, didn’t take much convincing. He jumped at the opportunity to work with his friend and Tiege Hanley was born.

Tiege Hanley is the story of opportunity, hard work and a passion to simplify and uncomplicate.  Our real-life experience and keen insights create the perfect team resulting in the ultimate skin care system for men. Our story, like our product, is simple and uncomplicated...yet totally revolutionary.

Like any business, the idea is only part of the formula for success. Kelley and Rob realized they needed a powerful way to reach men. Enter Aaron Marino—Serial Entrepreneur (you may have seen him on Shark Tank a couple times), men’s lifestyle expert, grooming guru and YouTube sensation. Aaron’s passion to help men improve themselves and enrich their lives caught the attention of Kelley and Rob, and they approached Aaron with the idea of working together. Aaron saw the value that he and his brand could provide to Tiege Hanley, and signed on to become the third partner! With everything in place, they had just one missing ingredient…the formula!

You may not think of a golf course as the place you would find a master skin care formulator, but that’s exactly how Rob met our fourth founder. He is truly a scientist and a very private guy. He wants to stay out of the spotlight, so we simply call him “The Chemist” since he’s the inventor of our ‘secret  sauce’. With over 35 years of experience formulating products for some of the top skin care brands in the world, he was our hole in one! After hearing the Tiege story, The Chemist joined the team and began creating the Ferrari formulas that you enjoy today.

Our products are amazing and so is our team! Everyone brings something unique to the table creating the perfect recipe of core competencies.