Write down your ideas and thoughts by the use of a new abstraction approach.

Topic Organizer Screenshot
Topic Organizer Screenshot
Topic Organizer Screenshot
2.3 ( 13 )
Mar 27, 2023
Albert Einstein once said: Write down your thoughts if you want to organize your life.

Human thoughts are indeed a never ending source of knowledge and because of that it would be a waste not to write them down.

If you really want to improve your personality development you have to capture your thoughts.

This program is the right choice to be the master over your thoughts.

It is simple and clear and provides several features for customization.

Placing topics on an area and looking down from above on them is a proven abstraction approach to reduce the complexity of life.

However, from now on it is necessary to start capturing and analysing the problems in your life.

Of course it may also be possible to use pen and paper.

But they will, sooner or later, end up as waste. Data on your phone are persistant and you can export them to a new device.

Moreover, you can take notes on the go and don't have to take along notice paper or using other unclear apps.

Of course your data will only be stored on your device and not be transmitted to external servers.

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