Gain easy insights to your logistics process with the smart TDL system

Transport Data Logger Screenshot
Transport Data Logger Screenshot
Transport Data Logger Screenshot
Transport Data Logger Screenshot
Transport Data Logger Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
The Transport Data Logger (TDL) from Bosch is a smart monitoring device designed specifically to track various envrionmental parameters which influence the quality of your shipment. This free buddy app allows you to configure the device and to download and visualise the tracked data.

What the TDL tracks:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Tilt
- Shock

App features include:
- Configure the parameter violation thresholds
- Customize how frequently data is measured
- Set configuration PIN to protect your set up
- Download and visualise tracked data
- Share tracked data via email

Gaining insights into your logistics process has never been easier! Visit ( to find out how you can start monitoring your shipment today.